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Thursday, November 09, 2006

My Children: The Flanders?

Two present Flanders and one future Flanders...

A rebuttal to my pals Ben and Dave:

Apparently you guys compare my children to the Flanders kids. I'd like the two of you to remember something- as far as I know you are both hoping to have children someday. Before you make fun of someone else's kids, you should always keep this in mind. Doesn't the Bible even talk about "an eye for an eye?" Rembember that! Anyways this is the rebuttal part-I am taking this as a compliment. The Flanders' children may possibly be a little geeky, and maybe even a little goodie two shoes. If this is the worst thing you(and anybody else who may have been guilty of participating in this) can think of to say about my children,then WHA-HOOOO! I think that anybody who works with children(like yourselves) would also agree with this. So there! Now keep on complimenting our parenting!

PS- This has nothing to do with any other geeky things Matt may influence them about. They are doomed, aren't they? Oh well.


  • At 9:53 AM, Blogger Ben said…

    Very true, I love your kids (you know this) and they are certainly on the right track. I can't believe they are in school already! Wild.

  • At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HAHAHAHA I think the Flanders kids are great. "Bringing in the sheeves" is a classic. Love the blog, love the kids, and love you. . .not so much Matt though. jk

  • At 7:50 AM, Blogger Lisa said…

    Well, those little Flanders are little gifts from God. I dont think it is even possible to have cuterkids(although I could be biest). Any way, I wrote you this poem

    In Flanders Field where McGonnells grow
    Out in Brackley on a bumpy dirt road.....

  • At 1:28 PM, Blogger Ben said…

    Best poem ever!


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