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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

15 Years of Valentine's Bliss

Well here it is. It's one of those time's of year again They occur almost monthly. Let's go through them together. We have New Year's day, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Canada Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the grand finale-Christmas! There are a couple of months when there is not a "special day". For the most part we are bombarded by advertisments that encourage us to spend money to tell someone how much we love them. Right now Valentine's marketing is in full swing. If you choose to tell your significant other that you love them in any of these typical ways I say- "go for it"! I'm choosing to tell you how I prefer to be told. I can tell my husband is loving the direction of this blog! For any of you that know my husband you already realize that he is not a sweet talker:) That is okay with me. From my own experience a sweet talker is just that- a talker. My husband shows me multiple times daily that he loves me. He shows me by spending time with me everyday. He shows me by doing the dishes every night. He shows me by changing dirty diapers, by bringing my morning coffee while I'm dozing on the couch, by listening to me talk, by forgiving me when I'm cranky, for taking over when I'm ready to "kill" my children. He shows me by being my biggest supporter and standing by me through every thing. My husband doesn't need Hallmark to tell me that he loves me. Happy Valentine's Day Matt. Thankyou for showing me that you love me everyday for the last 15 years. You're the best!
I hope I haven't made anyone feel llike running for a bucket. Also Matt- if you choose to show me you love me in the typical Valentine's way, I won't be upset!


  • At 11:56 AM, Blogger Ben said…

    That's odd... he talks sweet to me everyday @ work. Quite the stud muffin he is.

  • At 12:36 PM, Blogger Harley McCarville said…

    I hear ya Ben ... I was just thinking the same thing!!! ... so Matt doesn't put flowers in everbody else's church mailbox? ... hmmm ... very odd!

  • At 2:03 PM, Blogger Lisa said…

    k, that made me cry


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