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Thursday, March 08, 2007

So it starts!

Boy it starts young. The drama of having two girls that are going to be teenagers has been hitting me this week. The kindergarden soap opera has been in full swing. It all started with one of Hannah's friend starting a "club" of sorts. This "club" according to her friends is only allowed to have 3 members. This poses a bit of a problem when her class has 12 kiddies. It has become quite a thing to be part of the "tickle tickle" group. Interesting name don't you think? Hannah was a part of this group for a couple of days. I've been trying to explain to her that these groups can make others feel bad if they are excluded. It turns out that being cast out of the group was actually the best way to find out. I guess she started crying when she was cast out and her little friend felt bad and let her back in. I actually convinced her to try and start and group that everybody can be a part of if they chose so Hannah told her friend today that she was no longer a "tickle tickle". Apparently the group has not disolved because according to my daughter a fight broke out at figure skating today over who would take her spot.(not a physical fight of course, but a girlie word fight) So the drama is continuing as will for many more years I am sure. Matt and I will just have to take it all as it comes through all the tears and hurt feelings that are sure to ensue. What really gets me though is when adults act like Hannah's kindergarden class. These years are supposed to teach not to behave in this way. I guess there are all kinds of people who get it. I know that there are plenty who don't. I guess my advise is to reflect on it yourself. What are you like? Do you belong to any "tickle Tickle" groups. If so- graduation time is here.


  • At 8:39 PM, Blogger Spiderdan said…

    Worse still is when Churchs become clicks that not even Jesus can make it into.

  • At 7:43 AM, Blogger Francine said…


  • At 12:24 PM, Blogger Lisa said…

    wow Dan, so true.

  • At 10:44 AM, Blogger Andy Rayner said…

    Hi Francine
    Good article. By the way. Wanted to thank you for commenting on the blog article today.
    God Bless

  • At 6:52 PM, Blogger Tyler said…

    It really is kind of funny when you think about it, no matter how old and mature people might be they still can act like little kids.


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