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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Brain awareness week

Well this is brain awareness week. It's really got me thinking. What would this world be like if everyone were indeed aware that they did have a brain. This may sound a little sarcastic (you need to remember who I'm married to). Now I can't say for myself that I always act like I have a superior brain. I've left too many purses in the mall, and too many coffee cups on top of cars to claim a prize or anything. I'm blogging about the big things. For example: If you really sit down and think about it, giving your child everything he or she wants is very bad for your child. It can make them believe so many wrong things about life. It can make them believe that"stuff" can make them happy. It can make them think that the world is about getting what you want. It can make YOU broke, frustrated, and tired. It can make them unable to sympathize with others. It teaches you an incorrect definition of love. It can inhibit their imagination. Now, many people have great intentions when they give everything to their child, but if they sat down and thought about it, they probably could see that they were in fact harming their child. Now I know that people use their supposedly superior brains many times to get bent out of shape about the little things. Things that in the long run won't hurt a soul. The things that I'm talking about have consequences. They matter more than the fashion of my clothes, and my grammar in this blog. Let's not use our brains to major in the minors. I do realize that this has nothing to do with what brain awareness week is all about. I'm just proposing that maybe this is what it could be about. And for those us that are Christians we could really make a difference in this world. That's a loaded statement that may require further blogging.


  • At 11:59 AM, Blogger Harley McCarville said…

    Your right ... our kids are growing up having no idea what it takes to be able to purchase these things ... not only that ... they have know idea what it is like to work and help out around home without getting paid for it. Today's kids prefer not to do it (even when getting paid) because the know they will get what they want anyhow ... so why bother! We need to be in the area between rewarding and spoiling.

  • At 4:40 PM, Blogger Matt said…

    I think you should give your husband everything he wants. And you should bake chocolate cream cheese muffins and not give any to Murray! Sarcastic indeed....

  • At 4:27 PM, Blogger Tim and Peggy-Jo said…

    Why do you always have to make so much sense? Giving children everything that they want is a very sad path for everyone involved, it makes for a miserable life for those connected to them (and it certainly doesn't do them any good.) And...your husband is spoiled! I recognize a spoiled husband when I see one!


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