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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Letting things go

Do you know my daughter Danielle? If you know her at all, you know she is slightly clumsy. That is a nice way of putting it. I don't think she'll ever become a ballerina. Well, Danielle fell down during gym class on March 15th. She went over on her ankle and hurt it quite badly. She stayed in school the whole day. When we picked her up she burst into tears and told us what happened. When we wanted to look at her ankle the tears fell because it had hurt so bad to put her boot on. When we looked at it we headed over to emergency right away. When the doctor saw us, she sent us right up to x-ray. When the doctor looked at the x-ray she told us that nothing was broken and that she had a bad sprain. So we packed up and took her home. The ankle hurt all week, but we didn't think about it a whole lot. Exactly one week later there was a call for me to call our own doctor. Turns out that Danielle has a fracture in what's called her"growth plate". Thankfully, it is a fracture that casting would not have helped in the first place and she is expected to make a full recovery. I don't know what your reaction has been to this long winded blog. Maybe it's like mine initially was. Why did the school not call us? The doctor read her x-ray wrong? This should not have happened. This is a little example of what happens quite often. Events, mistakes, and unfortunately tragedy occurs and whamo- we seem to have this need to find somebody to blame. The funny thing is, it never changes the outcome of what has already taken place. It makes me think a lot about my own life. The wrongs I've committed, the judgments I've screwed up, the people I've hurt. The truth is-intentionally or unintentionally we have all done wrong. I know what I want for my screw ups. I want grace. I don't deserve it but I get it. My family and friends give it to me daily. More incredibly -God gives it to me-over and over and over again. It is totally undeserved and it feels really good. God's Word puts it this way-"Do to others as you would have them do to you.".Luke 6:31

Have a great day!


  • At 12:32 PM, Blogger Harley McCarville said…

    Great Message ... I too need much grace and forgiveness. God is Good.

    I hope Danielle is feeling better. If she is walking with a little limp ... people will think she's your little Mini-Me!!!

  • At 7:08 PM, Blogger Tyler said…

    I remember the other Sunday when you had to get Matt to come down after Sunday School to carry her up stairs. Sucks to have heard she broke something today. Hope it heals well and soon! :)

  • At 6:51 AM, Blogger Katherine Karen said…

    Wow, thats intense. I'm 19 and I have never broken or sprained anything...although I rarely take risks. I'm keeping Danielle in my prayers and the rest of your family.

    God bless

  • At 7:56 AM, Blogger Ben said…

    How true that is. Blame is always the first reaction. We should just remember how it is spelled. B - Lame. We shouldn't B Lame by blaming.

    This comment is lame....
    I blame myself.

  • At 5:24 PM, Blogger Samara Ashley said…

    That sucks! I would have still been complaining!
    Hope she is better now! :)

  • At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What you wrote is so true, we should really look at the result of a situation and not worry about the blame of how it happened.


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