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Saturday, March 31, 2007

"True Beauty"

I saw one of my two favorite cartoons last night. Beauty and the Beast. What a great movie! I find myself tearing up during the whole movie. For one thing Belle (the main character) loves to read. A girl who loves to read as much as her is a girl after my own heart. She also sacrifices her own well being for that of her father's. A selfless act of love for her family. I'd like to imagine if I was put in a situation that I had to choose between myself and that of my family-I'd choose them. My favorite, favorite part of the movie is that Belle falls in love with the beast even though she has no idea that he is really a prince. There is also a really dorky guy named Gaston (who is supposedly attractive) in the movie. He is conceited and really wants to marry Belle. She knows he is a loser and refuses to give in to his advances. There aren't that many movies made that I know of that have this kind of a moral. If only more of us chose to be like Belle. If only you and I would always choose to look past the exterior. The world would instantly become a better place. I try with everything in me to teach this to our children. The sad part is that no matter how hard you try to teach it, for most people it is somewhat of struggle. We are so saturated with it as a culture. What happens if my kids grow up to be not the most attractive people (by society's standards)? Does this make them any less valuable to society. No way. I'm so sick of seeing commercials that purposely make you fell inadequate looking so you'll by a stupid product. Then maybe you or I will attain a 5'11", 117 pound body(which, by the way, is the average size model). Then maybe we'll be worth something. Boy, this has got to be my most depressing blog to date! You get my drift. Take care of your shell. Don't be obsessed with yours or anybody else's. It just that-a shell. Who and what you are is inside of that shell. Spend your time (I'm speaking to myself as well) grooming and changing inside of you for the better. Don't waste your precious time.
Even though I know that my kids will have to deal with all these issues, I'm hoping that what we try to teach them will stick with them. They are already such beautiful people-where it counts.
Oh yeah. The other cartoon I love is "The Incredibles". It's awesome.
Oh yeah again: Galatians 2:6b- God does not judge by external appearance.


  • At 1:06 PM, Blogger Matt said…

    Aren't you lucky to have me? Someone with the strength and heart of the Beast, AND the rugged good looks of Gaston!

  • At 7:56 AM, Blogger Harley McCarville said…

    It really is to bad that we spend so much time worrying about what others think about us (looks and personality)... we get so caught up in trying to please those around us that we totally forget who we really need to be trying to please. Who we really need to be trying to impress or achieve approval from ... It's God's eyes we need to focus on ... for it is Jesus who will have the final say ... the final judgement!

    You guys are doing great with your kids ... and even though Matt doesn't have the Strength or Heart of the Beast, Nor the rugged good looks of Gaston ... you still did pretty good!

  • At 9:22 AM, Blogger Ben said…

    very good points, every tire of society is trying to make us believe that happiness is on your face, hips or wherever else and this is just not the case. Well put Francine, I hope Belle's example will "ring" true in our lives!

  • At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    DISNEY PRINCESSES are good role models, no matter what anyone says! lol! What you said is really true, and I saw the TV the other day that the average Canadian woman is 5'4" and 153lbs, which makes me feel good. We should really try to focus on making ourselves right with God and not on how we look, which is the biggest struggle of our society. Good eye opening blog...and use of Belle!

  • At 11:10 AM, Blogger Samara Ashley said…

    I love disney movies! Especially those ones! Gaston just so happens to be my favourite villian. He is so conceited its discusting!

  • At 5:37 PM, Blogger Katherine Karen said…

    I wish He would judge by external appearance...because mine is far superior than my internal one :(


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