Look Up!

If you already know me you will understand the title. If you want to get to know me, just read the blog.

Monday, October 09, 2006

My First Post!!!!

Wow! I actually am posting on my blog. I'm getting so computer savvy. I keep telling myself I'm gonna post, but Alas, every day goes by and I am still postless. My blog is the talk of all my friends who keep begging me to post. Well...... Ben and Jen did tell me I should:) I can say anything I want to. I am really long winded so this may end up being the most boring blog on the face of the universe.

Since it's thanksgiving it seems right to say something about that. Thanksgiving is great for those of us who are extremly nerdy, and feel really mushy about all the things that we are thankful for. If only we could focus on those things every day, maybe our attitudes would get much needed improvements. Good thing God is more patient than we are!

Since the title of my blog is "Look up", I guess "I should say something about that. Everyone that knows my family, knows that our life has been pretty interesting over the last couple of years. I still have a ton to learn, but I am learning that the secret to being content is to forget about looking around you. or looking downwards. The only way to stick through things when they look impossible is to look up. I have a God that specializes in doing the impossible. When I think about that it seems petty and silly to worry about all the things I can't control, when I know from direct experience that God does. I hope that everyone who is reading this gets a little bit of encouragment for their week. God bless, and next time my posting will be very humorous and less preachy. (although it does seem like a great way to preach) I have to shut up now. Matt is telling me that nobody will read this if it's too long. I actually took a half hour to write this. That's how slow of a typer I am!!!